Implicit Objects In Liferay JSP, We Can access Various Information related to user, portlet, layout, theme, etc in the JSP files Using Liferay JSP Implicit Objects . Lets see what are all Complete List of Liferay Implicit Objects available in Liferay 7.
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MySql 5.7
In Liferay have two taglibraries which grant access to Liferay JSP Implicit Objects.
Implicit Objects From portlet:defineObjects Taglib
To Get all these implicit objects, <portlet:defineObjects /> must be added In the JSP, these objects holds the information about the portlet parameters and related data.
- actionRequest
- actionResponse
- eventRequest
- eventResponse
- liferayPortletRequest
- liferayPortletResponse
- portletConfig
- portletName
- portletPreferences
- portletPreferencesValues
- portletSession
- portletSessionScope
- renderRequest
- renderResponse
- resourceRequest
- resourceResponse
- searchContainerReference
Implicit Objects From liferay-theme:defineObjects Taglib
To Get all these implicit objects, <liferay-theme:defineObjects /> must be added In the JSP, these objects holds various information related user, portlet, layout, theme, portal, permissions etc.
- account
- colorScheme
- company
- contact
- layout
- layouts
- layoutTypePortlet
- locale
- permissionChecker
- plid
- portletDisplay
- portletGroupId
- realUser
- scopeGroupId
- theme
- themeDisplay
- timeZone
- user
Implicit Objects From JSP
These are the default implicit objects available from the JSP, you dont have to include any taglib for them- application
- config
- out
- page
- pageContext
- request
- response
- session
All Implicit Objects
Use The above JSP a Reference for Taglibs and Imports
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